Translation: “SehuniIsReallyHandsome..MeToo..#HeartAttack1” (1Note: a popular online term for being emotionally shocked and/or overpowered) (dailyexo)
나는진짜 오늘 케이크해줄지는 생각도못했다.. 멤버들 매니저형들 정말 너무너무 고맙고 사진은 내가씻고 머리도안말리고 목에수건까지 걸고있지만 그래도 생일이고 그리고 너무고마우니깐 올릴께 많이사랑해♡
Translation: “I really didn’t even think that I’d get a cake today.. Members and manager hyung, thank you so so much I had just taken a shower, so my hair wasn’t even dry in this photos and there was even a towel around my neck, but since it’s my birthday and I’m so thankful, I’ll just upload it anyway Love you all ♡” (dailyexo)
Member: CHAN YEOL,
Subgroup: EXO-K,
# instagram updates