Miss biggest bitch

今天我人生的第一部电影杀青了!在这段时间里真的很感谢 归亚蕾老师,子珊姐,柏霖哥,陈正道导演还有所有前辈们和剧组所有工作人员对我的帮助和鼓励! 我学到了很多东西! 我会继续努力! 很荣幸和大家一起拍电影!^^希望有机会还可以一起合作!@归亚蕾 @杨子姗 @陳柏霖 @陳正道

Translation: “Today I wrapped up the first film of my life! During this period of time I’ve been really very grateful toward Gui Ya Lei Teacher, Zi Shan Sister, Bo Lin Brother, Director Chen Zheng Dao and all the sunbaes, production crew and staff for their help and encouragement! I learnt so many things! I will continue to work hard! I’m very honoured to have filmed a movie with everyone! I hope there will be another chance to work together! @theirweibos”

credit: dailyexo

@темы: China: online photo, Member: LU HAN, Subgroup: EXO-M, # weibo updates