Miss biggest bitch

Luhan - 140720 Sina Entertainment: “Million-person love letter! Luhan’s single Weibo post comments break the 10 million record”

"Sina Entertainment. The comments on a single weibo post excedding 10 million? Seeing this, I must be drunk. Today (20th July), netizens discovered that the new generation idol Luhan’s weibo post from 10 September 2012 had in excess of 10 million comments! When you click on it and enter the post, you’ll see that it is filled with fans’ love letters, small diary posts, secret messages, greetings and jokes. Did something happen again that created these waves? Scratching my head I couldn’t figure out the reason for these millions of posts! So I mustered up my courage and asked a few Luhan fans, receiving the same enthusiastic reply: ‘This were our congratulatory ‘1314’ messages for Luhan on Valentines’ Day!’ Oh, so it’s full of love and romance, a revolution that hasn’t yet succeeded? Please ‘add oil’!

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Credit: dailyexo.tumblr.com, Source: 新浪娱乐.
(Note: 1Mainland China, 2Expression of love and affection akin to ‘XOXO’, 3Chinese Valentine’s Day)

@темы: Member: LU HAN, Subgroup: EXO-M