커피와 수호, 프라프치노와 크리스.
오늘 런던으로 떠나기 전, 각각 고른 음료와 어울리는 표정을 사진으로 담아 봤습니다.
수호와 크리스는 누굴 만나기 위해 런던으로 간 것일까요~? :)

KRIS and SUHO have left for London!
Whom are they going to meet? Take a guess~ :)

Coffee and Suho, frappucino and Kris. We have taken a picture of the expressions that correspond and suit each of the drinks.
Who will Suho and Kris meet in London~? :)

KRIS and SUHO have left for London!
Whom are they going to meet? Take a guess~ :)

EXO-K SUHO and EXO-M KRIS are on their way to London to cheer for their admiring seniors, 슈퍼주니어(Super Junior) ! Don't miss the surprise events from SUHO and KRIS. Stay tuned

Today, Suho and Kris went to London and support Super Junior. What surprise did Suho and Kris prepared? Everyone please anticipate it~!

"今天,SUHO和KRIS为了给 @SUPERJUNIOR 哥哥们加油去了伦敦。SUHO和KRIS为Super Junior准备了什么样的惊喜呢?请大家期待哦〜!"

#EXO SUHO and KRIS are on their way to London to cheer for their admiring seniors, #SuperJunior

@темы: Member: SU HO, Member: KRIS, # facebook updates, # awards show