Miss biggest bitch
Miss biggest bitch

처음이자 마지막으로 말씀드립니다. 나는 아무것도하지않았는데 왜 매일 수많은 문자가 오는걸까요? 인증번호..비밀번호변경..다른 ip로 로그인이 됐다..라는 문자들이.. 계속이런말도안되는행동을하시면 저 또한 가만히 있지 않겠습니다.

tr: This is the first and last time I’ll say this. Why do messages come to me even though I didn’t do anything? Messages such as verification number.. changing password.. logged on to different IP.. If you keep doing things like this I’m not going to sit by and watch.

credit: dailyexo

@темы: Member: SE HUN, Subgroup: EXO-K, # instagram updates

Miss biggest bitch
Miss biggest bitch

Luhan - 140720 Sina Entertainment: “Million-person love letter! Luhan’s single Weibo post comments break the 10 million record”

"Sina Entertainment. The comments on a single weibo post excedding 10 million? Seeing this, I must be drunk. Today (20th July), netizens discovered that the new generation idol Luhan’s weibo post from 10 September 2012 had in excess of 10 million comments! When you click on it and enter the post, you’ll see that it is filled with fans’ love letters, small diary posts, secret messages, greetings and jokes. Did something happen again that created these waves? Scratching my head I couldn’t figure out the reason for these millions of posts! So I mustered up my courage and asked a few Luhan fans, receiving the same enthusiastic reply: ‘This were our congratulatory ‘1314’ messages for Luhan on Valentines’ Day!’ Oh, so it’s full of love and romance, a revolution that hasn’t yet succeeded? Please ‘add oil’!

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Credit: dailyexo.tumblr.com, Source: 新浪娱乐.
(Note: 1Mainland China, 2Expression of love and affection akin to ‘XOXO’, 3Chinese Valentine’s Day)

@темы: Member: LU HAN, Subgroup: EXO-M

Miss biggest bitch

#我要去青海# 晗晗最近拍戏辛苦,谢谢你对我公益的支持,一起加油!@M鹿M
Han Han has been hard at work filming recently, thank you for supporting my charity project!



#我要去青海# (I want to go to Qinghai) is a charity project started by famous Chinese singer Han Hong to help out people in Tibet, Mongolia

credit: hnnngzitao @ LJ

@темы: China: online photo, Member: LAY, Member: LU HAN, Member: TAO, Subgroup: EXO-M, # weibo updates

Miss biggest bitch
Miss biggest bitch


source: part 1 || part 2

@темы: China: online photo, Subgroup: EXO-K, Subgroup: EXO-M

Miss biggest bitch
Miss biggest bitch

@темы: China: online photo, Subgroup: EXO-K, Subgroup: EXO-M

Miss biggest bitch
Miss biggest bitch
Miss biggest bitch
EXO at Samsung Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games Campaign Launch

@темы: China: online photo, Subgroup: EXO-K, Subgroup: EXO-M, # appearance

Miss biggest bitch

Luhan's co-star, Yang Zishan, posted an entry on her weibo with a group photo of the Back to 20 cast with Vicki Zhao.

Translation of her post: You appeared when I was just thinking of you! It was so late, far away and tiring, but you still rushed over from Shunyi Filming venue! It's so blissful to hug you! My good friends here are so shy! (she tagged Luhan, the director and Wilson Chen Bolin in her post).

credit: ceridwenlh @ LJ

@темы: China: online photo, Member: LU HAN, Subgroup: EXO-M, # weibo updates

Miss biggest bitch

Miss these rascals, but time for a new collab. @SMTOWNGLOBAL pic.twitter.com/Evq5Kgnn1U


@темы: Subgroup: EXO-K, Subgroup: EXO-M, # twitter updates

Miss biggest bitch
Miss biggest bitch
Miss biggest bitch
"Hello, this is EXO's Baekhyun. It's really late, but...I wanted to apologise for the disappointment and hurt I caused, so I am writing a post here.

I re-wrote and deleted this several times, but I felt that I was just making more and more excuses, so I didn't have the courage to share my feelings and resolve the misunderstandings.. I also thought that those words would all be meaningless now.. I'm not sure whether this post will make you feel upset again, so I'm also worried I might regret posting this, and my head is a mess even now.. But I really want to share my sincere feelings, so I'm writing this now.

I truly apologise for hurting fans who are always so important to me. I also apologise again to make you hurt even more through the misunderstandings that arose from this. I don't want our fans...to be hurt anymore..I'm lacking so much, but I will approach you slowly and diligently. And EXO is such an important name for me as well. I really wanted to let you know at the very least, that I have never used the name EXO in a lighthearted way. From now, I will become EXO's Baekhyun who does his best, both on stage and outside. I truly hope that these words come across to you as being my sincere feelings.."

credit: anewsymphony @ LJ

@темы: Member: BAEK HYUN, Subgroup: EXO-K