“请各位用心读一遍 谢谢”
Translation: “May everyone read this carefully, thank you
If you see me on the streets and want to say hi, any where any time, don’t be afraid, you know?
I don’t wish for you come to receive our flights, because at the airport, there are so many people.
Because you come to see me, and fall down, or injure yourselves, or injure others (especially be careful of the elderly and children)
And your parents will worry about you.
If you want to send these letters to me, you can send it to the company, and then let the company’s staff who manage the letters give it to me, this is the best way (it will definitely reach my hands please don’t worry)
Take care of yourselves, don’t hurt others.
At the same time, thank you for all your well wishes and blessings, and all your birthday support. Seeing it makes my heart full of warmth.
I believe with your well wishes and blessings, tomorrow will be even more beautiful.”1
(1) Note: this is an excerpt from Lay’s 141007 birthday weibo update which he has chosen to repost to reiterate his sentiments about fans at airports (dailyexo)
“好玩儿吗?哈哈哈哈。加油 韬哥哥 짜요”
Translation: “Is it fun? Hahahaha. Tao-ge ge jiayou jiayou” (dailyexo)
“时间是什么?别问我,每个人心里应该都是比较清楚,不要浪费不要被它牵着走。一分一秒都要抓住好好去珍惜。北京 上海我要走了,美好的回忆我留下了,该感谢的人就不说名字了,导演不让公开,哎下次约吧各位,不早了早点休息吧。舍不得每一位…真的谢谢所有人对我的支持和信任,我会继续努力。么么哒~”
Translation: “What is time? Don’t ask me, everyone must know that more clearly in their hearts, don’t waste it don’t be dragged along by it. Every minute, every second, hold on to it tightly and treasure it well. Beijing, Shanghai, I am leaving, these beautiful memories I leave behind, the people I need to thank shan’t be named, director won’t let me publicise it, ai let’s make a date again next time every one, it isn’t early now go rest.. Can’t bear to leave every one… really thank you everyone for your support and trust, I will continue to work hard. Me me da1~”
(1) Note: “Me me da” is a colloquial way of saying that something is cute (dailyexo)
“何以笙箫默电影版。我的处女作,第一次挺好玩儿~好舍不得大家。@黄晓明 @杨幂 @一哥黄斌 @杨文军TV 么么哒 刚才没弄好就手滑了sorry~”
Translation: “He Yi Sheng Xiao Mo1 movie version. My first work, the first time was pretty fun~ really can’t bear to leave everyone. @Huang Xiaoming@ Yangmi @Huangbin @Yang Wenjun me me da~ earlier I didn’t finish it but my hand slipped sorry~” (dailyexo)
(1) Note: the title of the film Tao recently shot a cameo for
“哈哈哈哈 @赫子铭 谢谢会继续努力的~哥哥你性格那么好那么开朗我真是太喜欢了。而且唱歌还比我好真是羡慕啊哈哈 今晚锁定@浙江卫视一路上有你 一路上有你们是我人生中最幸运的事情。么么哒#一路上有你#”
Translation: “Hahahaha @He Ziming Thank you I will continue to work hard~ Ge ge your personality is so good so open I really like you so much. And you sing even better than I do really envious ah haha. Tonight stay tuned to @Zhejiang TV With You All The Way. Having all of you all the way with me is the most fortunate thing in my life. Me me da #WIth You All The Way#” (dailyexo)
@темы: Member: SE HUN, Member: LAY, Member: TAO, Subgroup: EXO-K, Subgroup: EXO-M, # weibo updates