Translation: Nice cue~ (happyeols)
2015 글로벌오디션!! 많은관심 부탁드려요!!
Translation: 2015 Global Audition!! Please give a lot of interest!! (LOVEdyokyungsoo)
내일 날씨가 무려 영하 14도까지 떨어진다고합니다..여러분모두 되도록이면 나가지마시고 춥다고 무작정 두꺼운 자켓보단 여러겹 껴입으시는게 좋데요~~ 감기걸리지말자!!😊 #추위소식에 #짜증남
Translation: “They say that tomorrow’s weather is going to be a whopping 14 degrees below 0..Everyone, if possible please do not go out since it’s cold, don’t just wear a big jacket rather wearing many layers is much better~~ Let’s not catch colds!! #At the cold news #Annoyed” (dailyexo)
Member: CHAN YEOL,
Subgroup: EXO-K,
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