понедельник, 15 декабря 2014
Male group EXO‘s Suho and Baekhyun have left their positions as the hosts of SBS’ weekly music show “Inkigayo.”
After hosting the show for 10 months, the two MCs bid farewell to the viewers on December 14. As previously revealed, they decided to leave the show in order to focus on EXO’s upcoming comeback.
Suho revealed his thoughts about leaving the show after announcing this week’s winner. He said, “Through ‘Inkigayo,’ I have met good people, learnt a lot, and made lots of meaningful memories, so I feel great. I will always strive to become a hard-working and polite Suho. Thank you.”
Baekhyun thanked the viewers, “The previous year has been a fun experience, and I believe all of this is thanks to our fans. I will become a hard-working Baekhyun. Thank you.”
Emotional and teary, the EXO members went on to close the show for the last time with their fellow MCs Kim Yoo Jung and ZE:A‘s Kwanghee.
credit: soompi
Baekhyun - 141214 Official EXO-L website update: “Thank you”Baekhyun - 141214 Official EXO-L website update: “Thank you”
"인기가요 MC로 첫 방송을 시작한 게 엊그제 같은데 벌써 막방을 했어요 !
인기가요 할 때마다 찾아와 응원해주신 팬분들,
또 집에서 본방을 항상 챙겨보시거나 다시보기로 봐주셨던 팬분들,
그리고.. 인기가요는 잘 안보셨지만 인기가요 하는 건 아셨던 팬분들!
아니 몰랐어도! 다 너무 감사합니다.
EXO-L 여러분들이 있었기에 항상 힘이 났어요!
올해에는 저 뿐만 아니라 EXO가 여러분에게 힘을 받은 만큼
2015 년에는 또 다른 모습으로 나오겠죠? ^^! (다음 앨범 말이에요!!><)
크흠!! 흡! 흠! 암튼!
다음 년도엔 올해보다 더 행복해요. 우리!
Translation: “It seems like my first day as an Inkigayo MC was only yesterday, but I have already finished filming for the final broadcast !
To the fans who came and supported us whenever Inkigayo was on,
And also to the fans who never missed a live show at home, or even watched it later ,
And… to the fans who didn’t watch Inkigayo, but knew that I was on Inkigayo !
Even if you didn’t know! Everyone, thank you so much.
Since EXO-L was there, I always had strength !
This year, not just I, but EXO as a whole, received so much strength from all of you
We’ll probably come back with many different images in 2015?^^! (I’m talking about the next album!!><)
Ahem !! Hem! Hem! Anyways !
Let’s be happier next year than we were this year. Us !
Suho - 141215 Official EXO-L website update: “Truly thank you”Suho - 141215 Official EXO-L website update: “Truly thank you”
"안녕하세요. 엑소를 수호하는
오늘 제가 인기가요 MC로서 마지막 방송을 하게 되었습니다.
2014년 거의 한 해 동안 인기가요를 하면서
좋은 사람들을 만나 많은 것을 배우고
평생 잊지 못할 추억들을 만들었습니다.
콘서트 월드투어로 가끔씩 백현이와 새벽 비행기로
한국에 먼저 돌아와서 MC를 한 적도 많았고
MC를 하면서 여러 가지 일들이 있었지만
무엇보다도 매주 일요일마다 인기가요 MC자리를 통해
여러분들을 만날 수 있다는 것에 감사하고 행복했습니다.
인기가요 MC.. 제가 오래 전부터 꿈꿔왔던 자리인데요.
생방송이라 쉽지 않았고 실수도 많았지만
여러분 덕분에 잘 끝마칠 수 있었습니다.
진심으로 감사합니다. EXO-L
앞으로도 모든 일에 최선을 다해
열심히 하는 공손한 엑소 리더 수호가 되겠습니다.
Translation: “Hello. I am EXO-guarding1 Suho.
Today I finished my last day as an Inkigayo MC.
While doing Inkigayo for nearly a year in 2014
I met many good people and learned a lot
I’ve made memories which will last a lifetime.
Sometimes, after concerts and world tours, Baekhyun and I had to take early flights
back to Korea, to be MCs
Even though being an MC came with a lot of work
above all, being in that MC position every Sunday
enabled us to meet everyone, for which we were very thankful and happy.
Inkigayo MC.. It was a position I had dreamt about for a long time.
It was hard since it was broadcast live and I made many mistakes
But because of everyone, it was possible to end it well.
I sincerely thank you. EXO-L
From now on I’ll keep putting forth my best effort
and become a successful EXO leader Suho.”credit: dailyexo
Korea: online photo,
Korea: online video,
Member: BAEK HYUN,
Member: SU HO,
Subgroup: EXO-K,
# website updates