2015학년도 대학수학능력시험 D-1 !! 드디어 수능이 하루 남았습니다!! 대한민국 고3 여러분 그동안 너무너무 수고 많으셨고 고생 많으셨습니다 내일이 기다려지시는 수험생 분들도 있으실꺼고 아쉽고 시간이 부족하다고 느끼시는 수험생 여러분들도 있으실테지만 내일만큼은 마음을 깨끗하게 비우고 그동안의 노력이 결실을 맺길 절실히 기도하겠습니다!! 화이팅!! 저도 항상 화이팅할께요!! 오늘 일찍자고 내일 아침일찍 일어나서 정신을 맑게 만들고 식사는 소화가 잘되는 음식으로!! 달콤한 초콜렛도 하나 챙겨가시고 옷은 따듯하게입되 너무 많이입으면 시험장 안에서 더울수도 있으니깐 안에는 적당히 따듯한옷으로!! 긴장하지말고 시험잘봐얘들아❤ #열심히작업하는 #아티스트의뒷모습 #저도열심히할께요
Translation: “Class of 2015 College Scholastic Ability Test D-1!! Finally, there is a day left until the exam!! All the students of grade 3 in South Korean high schools have worked very hard and tried your best there will be many of you who anticipate tomorrow and there will be some who feel like you need some more time but as for tomorrow, just relax and empty your mind of all worries and I’ll pray for you that all the hard work you put into so far will pay off!! Fighting!! I will always cheer you on!! Sleep early today and wake up early tomorrow for a clear mind and eat food that are good for your digestive system!! Prepare one bar of sweet chocolate and you may bundle up but it may be hot in the room while taking your exam, so bundle up moderately warm!! Don’t be nervous and take the test well ❤ #The rear view #of a hardworking artist #I’ll work hard too” (1Note: Sweets such as chocolate are commonly viewed as a good luck charm in South Korea and customarily given to those about to undergo a test) (dailyexo)
KBS 뮤직뱅크 인 멕시코!! 지금방송중입니다!! 일본에선 방송이안나와서 아쉽게도 방송을 못보지만 여러분들 MC찬열 많이많이사랑해주세요!! 스페셜스테이지도 기대해주세요!
Translation: “KBS Music Bank in Mexico!! It is broadcasting right now!! It doesn’t air in Japan so it’s a shame that I can’t watch it but please love MC Chanyeol a lot!! Please expect the special stage too!” (dailyexo)
규현이형의 솔로곡 '광화문에서' 가 드디어 발매되었습니다!! 늦은 밤이지만 밤에듣기 좋은곡이므로..😊 어릴적부터 광화문에 자주 갔었는데 정말 광화문 거리가 눈앞에 아른거리는 곡이네요..규현이형 화이팅!!!
Translation: “Kyuhyun hyung’s solo album ‘At Gwanghwamun’ is finally released!! Even though it is late at night, since it’s a nice song..😊 I have been visiting Gwanghwamun since I was very young but this song really makes it seem as though the place is actually in front of you.. Kyuhyun hyung fighting!!!” (dailyexo)
Member: CHAN YEOL,
Subgroup: EXO-K,
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