воскресенье, 07 сентября 2014
즐거운 민족 고유의 명절 추석이 찾아왔습니다! 여러분 모두 즐거운 한가위 보내시고 오랫동안 보지못했던 친척분들과 이야기도 많이 나누시고 맛있는 음식도 많이많이 드세요! 그리고 오늘 4시30분엔 온가족이 모여서 룸메이트도 보기!😘 #새로운모자 #수호형카메라로찍음 #ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ #자세나오죠 #다음콘서트땐 #저러고나가볼까 #즐추
Translation: “The time of greatful Chuseok has finally come! During Chuseok, spend a wonderful time with your family that you haven’t seen in a while and eat lots of delicious food! And make sure you watch Roommate with your family at 4:30pm today! #New hat #took this picture with Suho hyung’s camera #Kekekekekekeke #Does it come out clear #For the next concert #should I come out like this #Happy Chuseok” (dailyexo)
드라마에 나오는사람이랑 사진찍었닼ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Translation: Took a photo with someone who appeared in a drama kekekekekekekeke (baekhundred_)
Member: CHAN YEOL,
Subgroup: EXO-K,
# instagram updates