Miss biggest bitch

Luhan, Lay, Xiumin, Chen - 140728 Easy Magazine’s official weibo update
#Easy在现场##EXO-M#美丽说媒体见面会已经开始!在提问中EXO-M已经透露了他们已经在拍第二支广告了哟!在现场鹿晗也对自己的演技进行了评价,5分(共10分)还说“庆幸碰到很好的剧组”#Easy App每周五上线!# 扫描二维码或点击链接下载客户端

Translation: “#Easy On Scene ##EXO-M #Meilishuo Media meeting has already started! During the question and answer, EXO-M revealed that they have already shot the second commercial. And they said “Thankfully we met a very good production team”“


140728 Meilishou weibo update:


EXO M is attending MeiLiShuo's fansign today in Beijing but MeiLiShuo was informed by SM about Tao's condition and his need to return to Korea for treatment. Thus, MeiLiShuo posted a notice of understanding Tao's condition, along with an apology of Tao's absence to the fans, they have also sent their regards to SM in hopes that Tao recovers soon.


Luhan, Lay, Xiumin, Chen - 140728 Jiang Yu Chen’s weibo update: “可爱的”

Translantion: “Adorable”

credit: dailyexo + toffeegee

@темы: China: online photo, Subgroup: EXO-M, China: news & schedule, # weibo updates