'EXO' is currently the hottest boy group. About one year and five months since debut, the term rookie is still more familiar to them. However, recently with 'Wolf and Beauty' and 'Growl,' they hit a repeated home run and quickly grew as the next generation representative idol. They have proved that they are the current trend as they bring about many fans everywhere they go.

Even their creation is special. ‘EXO’ is a Korean-Chinese twin group. They promote as Korean ‘EXOK’ and Chinese main force group, ‘EXOM.’ They promote in both countries by singing the same title song in both Korean and Chinese. Other times they show off a different charm as they promote as a whole with all twelve members joined together with ‘EXO.’

However although we know ‘EXO,’ the members are unfamiliar. Above all else, there being twelve members is an obstacle(?). If you’re not a fan, it i s hard to grasp an understanding of each member’s charms. That is why we have prepared. It is ‘EXO life of research.’ What we know of ‘EXO’ vs ‘EXO’ that ‘EXO’ says is basic + we’re going into a deep study.

As a reference, we used a rolling paper in the deep-study. Besides themselves, they left a personal criticism for the other eleven members. 4W 11R(Who, Where, When, What, 11Rolling Paper), the first subject is ‘EXOK.’







source: Naver
translation cr; nahbit & saphira @ exok-trans
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