[Weibo Event 1] 大家看了EXO的MV吗?请大家多多宣传12只帅气的狼哦〜 您可以向名人和艺人发送MV链接(v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTY0MDIwNzcy.html)并@EXO-M @EXO-K 完成报名! 我们会在周末抽出幸运粉丝,向他们发送未公开的EXO照片!

[Weibo Event 1] Has everybody seen EXO’s MV?Everybody, please promote the 12 handsome wolves a lot〜 You can send the MV link to celebrities and other artists (v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTY0MDIwNzcy.html) and @EXO-M @EXO-K to complete registration! We will pick the lucky fans this weekend, and send them unreleased EXO photos!

source: exo-m’s weibo
trans cr: angi @ exom-trans