Miss biggest bitch

EXO-K was appointed the honorary ambassador of C-Festival at a ceremony held at the Samseong-dong Trade Tower in Seoul on October 21.

Seoul will host the C-Festival, a global gathering organized by the World Trade Centre Seoul MICE Cluster Committee and expected to draw up to three million attendeers, in May 2015.

credit: mwave.interest.me

@темы: Korea: online photo, Subgroup: EXO-K, Korea: news & schedule

Miss biggest bitch
Miss biggest bitch
Miss biggest bitch
Miss biggest bitch



@темы: Member: CHAN YEOL, Member: SE HUN, Member: TAO, Subgroup: EXO-K, Subgroup: EXO-M, # instagram updates

Miss biggest bitch
Miss biggest bitch
Miss biggest bitch


Were you interested in DJ-ing before? How do you feel trying to learn DJ-ing in actuality today?

There is an obvious difference in terms of attraction as compared to composed songs. In parties, it looked cool when the DJ mixes the music and creates a hyped atmosphere. Since before, I have a shown interest in DJ-ing, so I got a simple DJ-ing machine and attempted doing this and that, but since I don’t have a teacher, I couldn’t grasp anything. I’ve wanted to learn from Jaewon hyung since last time so today was extremely fun.

Normally, you’re very tight on time but how do you learn composing and writing music?

For me, more than learning, I let go of myself through music. There’s always a guitar beside my bed, a piano beside my computer and I always listen to music of a variety of different genres. There are times when I simply appreciate the music too but while listening to songs, I’ll think ‘How would it be like if I rearranged (the song)?’ I rearrange the songs that I think about and want to sing, and even record them. I have about 200 audio memos of me personally playing the guitar while singing in my phone. When I do remember, I am the kind to perform with either the piano or guitar and record it.

There’s a saying that if you want to write lyrics well, you need to have a myriad of experiences. What are the contents in the written lyrics of Chanyeol who is 23 years old now?

The lyrics I compose comes more from an abundance of imagination rather than having a lot of experiences. My imagination is abundant beyond anything. (laughs) Everyday before I sleep, I will have all kinds of thoughts and when I fall asleep, I lose them but during that time, I imagine my very own movie story. I think I write my lyrics according to the emotions in my imagination every time that movie makes its appearance.

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@темы: # interview, Member: CHAN YEOL, Subgroup: EXO-K, # magazine photoshoot

Miss biggest bitch
Miss biggest bitch


@темы: Member: CHAN YEOL, Member: SE HUN, Subgroup: EXO-K, # instagram updates

Miss biggest bitch
Miss biggest bitch
Miss biggest bitch

"안녕하세요 EXO 카이 입니다

혹시 며칠 전 개기월식을 보셨나요?
아니면 혹시 호수에 떠있는 러버덕은 보셨을려나
팬 여러분들이 어떻게 지내시는지 항상 궁금해요
그래서 팬여러분 안부도 물어보고 지난 번 약속도 지키려고 글을 씁니다

요즘 어떤 하루를 보내고 계시나요?
저는 스케줄을 하거나 별다른 스케줄이 없을 땐가족을 만나고
혼자 연습을 하면서 지내고 있답니다.


하지만 어제와는 아주 조금 다른 오늘을 보내며 재미있게 지내고 있답니다.

여러분은 어떠세요? 비슷한 일상을 보내고 계시나요?
그럼 오늘은 어제와는 아주 조금 다르게 가구의 위치를 바꿔본다거나
신발이 놓인 위치를 바꿔본다거나평상시와는 다른 길로 집을 가본다거나
그런 작은 것들로 행복을 찾아보시는 거 어떠세요?

겉보기엔 똑같아 보일 수 있겠지만 그것만으로도
저희에겐 새롭고 재미있는 하루가 될지도 모르잖아요.

그러다가 다시 익숙해지면 옛날과는 다르지만 똑같이 평화롭고 평범한 일상이 되겠죠?
여러분도 저와 같았으면 좋겠습니다~

무튼 전 여러분과 함께 뭐든지 할 수 있을 거 같아요.
엑소엘 내가 너무 사랑한다구~ 알지?
지금까지 팬여러분들과 함께 길을 가는 카이였습니다.

P.S.서로 사랑하는 마음은 달라지지 않기에요!!”

Translation: “Hello this is EXO’s Kai.

Have you by any chance watched the total solar eclipse a few days ago?
And have you seen the rubber duck floating on the river?1
I am always curious about how our fans are doing.
So I am writing today to ask about our fans’ whereabouts, and to keep my promise from last time.

How are you spending your days lately?
I attend my schedules and visit my family, when I have time,
and I spend time by practising alone.

It’s quite ordinary, isn’t it?

However, each new day differs a little to the one came before.

How about everyone else? Are you all spending rather ordinary days, similar to mine?
Why not rearrange the furniture at home, to introduce a bit of change,
putting away your shoes in a different location than yesterday,
or going home along a different route than usual?
How nice would it be if we found the smallest bits of happiness in these simple things?

It may seem the same and ordinary,
but to us, it can be a fun and new experience.

And once this too becomes familiar, things will be peaceful and ordinary again, but in a different way.
I hope that you all feel the same way as I do~

I feel that as long as I am with all of you, I can do anything.
EXO-L, I love you so much~ You know this, right?
Up till now, it has been Kai, who’s always on same path with our fans.

p.s. Promise that the love we have for each other won’t change!!”

credit: dailyexo

@темы: Member: KAI, Subgroup: EXO-K, # website updates

Miss biggest bitch


@темы: Member: CHAN YEOL, Member: TAO, Subgroup: EXO-K, Subgroup: EXO-M, # instagram updates

Miss biggest bitch
Miss biggest bitch

Luhan's legal proceedings reveal more info about alleged -M discrimination

The lawsuit that now-ex member of EXO, Luhan, has filed against SM Entertainment to nullify his exclusive contract appears to be underway.

According to legal officials, the Seoul Central District Court has allocated Luhan's suit against SM entertainment to Civil Case 46 on October 15th.

The date to plead the case is scheduled to be arranged shortly after SM Entertainment receives and responds to the lawsuit documents. However, before the date is finalized, the department of Justice could set up a mediation period to advise both parties to reach an agreement.

10 days ago, Luhan filed a suit to nullify his exclusive contract with SM Entertainment.

The same law firm and attorney that filed Kris' suit against SM to nullify his exclusive contract this past May will be taking on Luhan's case as well.

Luhan's counsel has expressed through a written complaint that "SM has discriminated between team K, composed of Korean members, and team M, composed of Chinese members." The counsel goes on to state, "Team K has received financial support from SM while being more active in the entertainment world from the beginning of their debut, whereas Team M spent a hard time without any financial support or media presence."

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credit: yejun @ LJ

@темы: Member: LU HAN, Subgroup: EXO-M

Miss biggest bitch


@темы: Member: SE HUN, Member: TAO, Subgroup: EXO-K, Subgroup: EXO-M, # instagram updates

Miss biggest bitch
Miss biggest bitch

SBS’ “Inkigayo” Reveals Artist Line-Up for 24th Anniversary Concert in China

SBS’ “Inkigayo” has unveiled the full artist line-up for their upcoming 24th anniversary concert.

The special event will be held in Shenzhen, China, on November 8, and many of Korea’s top acts will be congratulating the weekly music show by performing at the concert.

The confirmed artists are EXO, 2AM, SISTAR, Girl’s Day, Taeyang, CNBLUE, BEAST, Teen Top, and Shinhwa. This concert will also mark Shinhwa member Andy‘s return to the stage after a one-year hiatus.

A representative of SBS revealed, “Currently, the producers of ‘Inkigayo’ are shuttling between China and Korea to install the stage, etc. The preparations for the special are in full swing.”

“Inkigayo in China” will be held on November 8 at 7:30 p.m. at the Shenzhen Universiade Sports Stadium.

credit: soompi

@темы: Subgroup: EXO-K, Subgroup: EXO-M, China: news & schedule

Miss biggest bitch
SM Entertainment Responds to Media Coverage on Recently Released Video of EXO’s Tao

SM Entertainment has released a response regarding the recent rumors surrounding media coverage on the recent video of EXO member Tao.

The agency said on October 14, “We plan to actively look into legal action regarding the distorted reports on the video of Tao saying goodbye to his friends, as well as those who indiscriminately distributed the information. Moreover, we will take aggressive action for any further rumors based on false or distorted information.”

Previously, one Chinese media outlet released a video of EXO’s Tao with his friends, which caused a buzz with its footage of Tao hugging a woman, revealed to be one of his close friends.

+ previously:

EXO’s Tao Filmed Hugging and Kissing a Woman by Chinese Media

EXO member Tao was filmed giving an unnamed woman a hug and perhaps a kiss by the Chinese media.

On October 10, Chinese program “Sohu Entertainment” revealed footage of Tao saying good bye to a group of friends at night. Noticeably, Tao and a woman seem very close as they hold hands, hug, and even get close to what looks like a kiss. Sohu also reported that Super Junior member Leeteuk was also there with him.

Already Korean netizens are buzzing about this footage, some arguing that it only looked like a kiss because of the angle.

October 10 was also the day fellow EXO member Luhan filed a lawsuit for contract termination against SM Entertainment.

SM Entertainment has yet to give an official statement.

credit: soompi

@темы: Member: TAO, Subgroup: EXO-M