* с английскими субтитрами.

@темы: Korea: online video, Subgroup: EXO-K

“Tao testing right now kekeke”


@темы: Member: BAEK HYUN, Member: SE HUN, Member: TAO, # instagram updates

* с английскими субтитрами.

@темы: Korea: online video, Member: BAEK HYUN

“[#Mnet #뜨거운순간엑소]★이번주 금요일 밤 10시 10분★ 웃다 쓰러진 #백현! #뜨순엑 촬영장에서 무슨일이?! (금요일 밤 10시 10분 Mnet 꼭 본방사수 해주세요!!)”

Translation: “[#Mnet #TheHottestMomentEXO]★This week Friday 10:10pm★ #Baekhyun who passed out while laughing! What happened in #TheHottestMomentEXO ‘s filming scene? (Friday 10:10pm Mnet Make sure you don’t miss it!!)”


@темы: Member: BAEK HYUN, Member: SE HUN, Member: SU HO, Subgroup: EXO-K, Subgroup: EXO-M, # twitter updates

“6월호 영상을 확인하던 중! ‘일시정지 + 스크린 샷’ 버튼을 누르게 만든 훈훈한 투샷을 선공개합니다. 국립 발레단 이재우 수석 발레리노와 함께 발레리노에 도전한 카이의 영상이 곧 공개됩니다. 기대해주세요!”

Translation: “While we were checking the June issue video! We prerelease this warm two-shot scene that made us press ‘pause+screenshot’. The video of national ballet team ballerino Lee Jaewoo and Kai’s attempts to fulfill his wish to be a ballerino will be released soon. Please anticipate it!”

@темы: Member: KAI, # magazine photoshoot

Mwave weibo update: “#EXO-K#亮相今(27日;)第50届《#LF百想艺术大赏#》表演庆祝舞台, 详情请戳 t.cn/RvbYwN2

Translation: “#EXOK# today (27th): 50th #Baeksang Art Awards# celebratory performance; for more details, please click t.cn/RvbYwN2”

@темы: Subgroup: EXO-K, # weibo updates

Hello, this is EXO’s guardian leader Suho.

Were you happy for these past 3 days?

To me it was the most unforgettable happiest 3 days of my life!

From now on it is the beginning of EXO.

trans: fy-exo | source: exo-k’s official website

@темы: Member: SU HO, # website updates

Over 40,000 fans attend EXO’s first concert in Seoul. Other major cities in Asia planned for the rest of the tour

On May 25, EXO successfully wrapped up their very first concert in Seoul after drawing in a total of 42,000 fans (about 14,000 per day) to the three-day event.

EXO plans on extending their concert tour to other major cities in Asia such as Hong Kong, Wuhan, Beijing, Chongqing, Chengdu, Taipei, Shanghai, Chingsha, Xi’an, Manila, Singapore, Guangzhou, Jakarta, Bangkok, Tokyo, Fukuoka, Nagoya, and Osaka.

trans: fy-exo | source: tenasia

@темы: Subgroup: EXO-K, Subgroup: EXO-M, Korea: news & schedule, The Lost Planet Tour

”풋살하기 딱 좋은 날씨를 위해 비도 그쳤네요:) 잠시후 MBC 아이돌 풋살월드컵 촬영이 시작됩니다. 트친님들 많은 응원 보내주세요! ”

Translation: “The rain stopped for just the right weather to play futsal:) MBC Idol Futsal World Cup filming begins in a moment. Please send us good spirits, twitter friends!”


@темы: Member: LU HAN, Member: XIU MIN, # appearance, # twitter updates