step by step

@темы: Member: KRIS, # weibo updates

"신동의 심심타파 오늘 B컷의 주인공은, EXO-K! 당시 위아원 엄지손가락이 익숙치 않았던 백현군의 쁘이사랑으로 B컷이 될 수밖에 없었다는 소식 전하며, 2년 만에 공개합니다."

Translation: Shindong’s Shimshimtapa. Today’s B-cut main character is EXO-K! At the time, Baekhyun was not used to the thumbs up ‘We Are One’ so we sadly announce that this became a B-cut picture, and we are releasing it now in 2 years.”


@темы: Korea: online photo, Subgroup: EXO-K, Subgroup: EXO-M, # twitter updates

“지금 한강에서 신나게 자전거를 타고 있는 멋진 남자는 누구일까요? EXO의 멤버 중 한명이 더 셀러브리티와 함께 자전거 라이딩을 즐겼습니다. 그의 라이딩즐기는 모습은 4월호를 통해 만날 수 있습니다!!”

Translation: “Can you guess who the handsome guy riding a bike at the Hangang River right now is? A member of EXO enjoyed a bike ride with The Celebrity. You can meet his bike riding which will be revealed in the April Issue!!”

@темы: Subgroup: EXO-K, Subgroup: EXO-M, # magazine photoshoot, # twitter updates

Miss biggest bitch

LUHAN and XIUMIN at the interview set of Naver Entertainment Special 'Mania No.1'.



[Mania No.1] EXO’s ‘Coffee Mania’ Xiumin meets partner Luhan

“You have to pour the kettle from the center towards the outside, like this~” (Xiumin)

“Oh~ That’s interesting..” (Luhan)

“You can’t stop pouring and disconnect the water.” (Xiumin)

“Oh~ Oh~” (Luhan)

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@темы: # interview, Korea: online photo, Member: LU HAN, Subgroup: EXO-M, # facebook updates, Member: XIU MIN, # news photoshoot